Analog Warfare v1.0.2
Трёхосцилляторный виртуально-аналоговый басовый синтезатор
Triple Osc VSTi Bass Synthesizer.
* 2 standard modelled oscillators
* 1 phase distortion modelled oscillator
* 3 independant Amp ADSR modules
* 3 independant state variable filters
* 3 independant filter ADSR modules
* 1 Frequency Modulation Envelope module/Switchpanel
* 1 modulator with more then 30 routing options
* 1 standard LFO with more then 30 routing options
* 1 BPM synced LFO with more then 30 routing options
* 2 BPM synced lpf delay's with panning
* 1 stereo chorus
* 1 phrase arpeggiator/Sswitchpanel
* 4 Switchpanels
* midi automated on most usefull controllers
* 127 midi assignable parameters
Размер: 5 mb